JOEY NG e-mail

Endless Winter

“You’ve reached Richard S. Gimbel the Second. Adjunct Professor, a Fashion Designer, and Visual Merchandising. Maker of unique apparel items and accessories. Amateur investigator. Native Phoenician and U.S. Patriot. Disc Jockey and traveling talent support. Likes architecture, confused by Burning Man. Please leave a message ranked in a scale of importance of 1 to 10. 1 being the invitation for a casual coffee date and 10 being the directions to a fall-out shelter on the eve of an impending nuclear Winter. Thank you. Have a good day.”

Richard Scott Gimbel II, February 17th, 1979 – January 15th, 2012.

10. Always 10 ever since.
I miss you.
Every day.

This entry was written by Joey, posted on January 15, 2015 at 3:26 pm, filed under Friends, Love and tagged , , . Leave a comment or view the discussion at the permalink.