JOEY NG e-mail

Tell-all Tuesdays
Who died and made me Queen?

You ask, I tell. Selection of questions get posted on Tuesdays.

You dated morgan waters, correct? Did you enjoy it?
Yes, I dated Morgan Waters.

Why do you hold on to this concept of ‘love’ so endearingly, when the chemical romance phase diffuses out so quickly? Why not have someone who can both love and support you? Why cling on to such an idealistic dream, and wallow when you cannot obtain it?
I hold on to this concept of ‘love’ because all my relationships diffuse before the chemicals stop firing. People need something to hold on to, a prize, a goal, something to aspire to, hope and long for. It keeps you going. I’d like to know what it’s like to get there. All the things that happen while you’re going for it, are pretty great as well.

I’d love to have someone who can both love and support me. Sometimes I feel like I already have that person in my life, I’m just not in a romantic relationship with them. So maybe it is idealistic, to try to find it all in one person. I don’t expect that I will, but I’m damn sure going to try. Practical people have ideals, too.

I think for someone who likes to write, tragedy is romantic. Hanging on to the moments that make you angry or sad juices the creativity out of you. The published word is just a snapshot of the whole picture. I assure you, 90% of the time, I am thinking, talking and taking pictures of what I had for lunch.

How did you lose your virginity? What was he like? Where did it happen?
I met this guy at the open mic night at Einstein’s bar. He was dreamy and lovely. I still see him around from time to time. It happened in my dorm room twinkling with blue fairy lights.

Do you like having sex?
Yes, it’s my sport.

What are the three things you most want to experience in your lifetime?
1. Having a family.

2. Producing something creative that I can be proud of.

3. Seeing my mother truly joyful again.

Who is one person you look up to and why?
Tony Pierce. I only hope to one day be as honest, endearing and dork nasty of a blogger as he is. The blogfather tells it like it is, nay, ought to be. When he tells me what to do, I usually say ‘no’ then end up adhering to his advice anyway. He has built a life of rock n’ roll, hot babes, blogging and true love – what’s not to look up to?

Who are your best friends?
I have a lot of really amazing friends, but if I ever found myself crying in the parking lot of a gay bar in a foreign city because a boy dumped me over text, these are the people I would call.

Toronto: Jacquie, Masha, Meredith, Sam

LA: Candis

SF: Hana

Hong Kong: Sharon

When are you coming back to the Big Smoke?
Not in the foreseeable future.

Have a question for me? Ask away here.

This entry was written by Joey, posted on June 15, 2010 at 9:23 pm, filed under Friends, Love, Sex, Tell-all Tuesdays and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.
